Pieces of advice according to my experience as a software engineering student

Here I’m sharing with you some advice and my perspective according to my 5 five years as a computer science student
Don’t aim to learn many programming languages
Many students think they should learn as much programming languages as they can while that’s not true, you just need to choose one language which you will focus your learning on (let’s say Python for example) and the rest you will learn it according to your needs and your university courses.
Focus your learning on Algorithms and data structure
What you should focus on instead of the programming languages is Algorithms and data structure, as a software engineer those two are the backbone of all your work, it helps you develop your logical skills and problem-solving abilities.
Practice on a daily basis
Practice, Practice, practice, …
The practice is what makes perfection, it’s all about persistence.
Try to code, write algorithms, and/or develop on a daily basis so you get used to it and your skills get better day after day.
Work on small projects
Computer science is something that we learn by doing, don’t just follow tutorials and read about it but also get involved in small projects ( or big ones xd). You can develop some small programs like a mini Linux shell.
Working on real projects is the right and the fastest way of learning.
To conclude my advice and as I always say :
Don’t forget to have fun in what you are doing, it’s all about having fun and enjoying the trip.